Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

German Bundeslegia

Russell Sherwood  Friday, April 10, 2020

An interesting article

You will need your translator!



Interview: CCM Dennis M Doren (USA)

New Article...

Two players wanted for WDE

Russell Sherwood  Thursday, April 9, 2020

Due to withdrawals, 2 spaces now exist in the William Evans Cup. If you wish to take up these spaces (and are already not taking part) please get in touch today.

In all positions players have not made the first move



Wales - Cuba Friendly Match

Russell Sherwood  Thursday, April 9, 2020

We are organizing a small friendly match with our Cuban Friends. We hope to field 20 boards and due to the small numbers involved we they will be paired as closely as possible on rating. Time control is to be confirmed . 

Note this event is for Welsh flagged players only.

If you are interested please get in touch by 18th of April 2020 


Andrew Smith WCCF Friendly Match Coordinator

Friendly Match

States and Regions 2019 Division Two Completed

Austin Lockwood  Monday, April 6, 2020

Following last week's announcement about the completion of the States and Regions First Division, we can now announce that the Second Division has now also completed.


Congratulations to the Italian team Quattro Torri Lazio for finishing in first place; along with the second placed team The Cubans East Rookies they now qualify for promotion to the first division of the next championship.

Following feedback from players, the States and Regions now runs on a two year schedule, with a more generous time control.  The next season will commence in 2021. Teams looking for a new tournament to enter may consider the British Webserver Team Tournament, which is still recruiting.

States and Regions

States and Regions 2019 Division One Completed

Austin Lockwood  Thursday, April 2, 2020

Congratulations to Tirol, from Austria, for winning the 2019 States and Regions Correspondence Chess Championship.  This is the premier international team event organised by WCCF for states, regions, counties, districts, etc. from anywhere in the world.

In joint second place were Menorca Talaiòtics from Spain and Pawn Sacrifice Bremen from Germany.


Division One produced four IM norms, twelve CCM norms, and five CCE norms.  Congratulations to these players for their successes.

Tirol will receive a free entry to the 2021 tournament.

States and Regions

Game on!

Russell Sherwood  Monday, March 30, 2020

The William Davies Evans Correspondence Cup is underway  https://www.iccf.com/event?id=84815

Additional details can be found at https://www.welshccf.org.uk/article/807

William Davies Evans Correspondence Cup

Russell Sherwood  Monday, March 30, 2020

Welcome to the WDECC!

The tournament has been paired using the Silli system and pairing are totally random.

Th event will be playing “Engine Free” on a honour basis. I have had a number of questions of what is allowed and what is not. In practice we are looking to playing this in the style of a Correspondence event from the early 90’s  so:


AllowedNot Allowed
Your own brainpowerChess Engines or any move generating method
Paper BooksMove checking software (e.g. Aquarium’s blunder check mode)
Instructional Videos, DVD;s, etcElectronic Opening Books
 Electronic Databases
 No other players “consulting”
 Sharing or discussing active games before they are completed.


If you are unsure, ask.

General thoughts:

  • Take your time – playing moves instantly tends not to give good results in CC
  • CC tends to be a game of analysis – so look at the position as per analyzing a postmortem. (You are of course free to play “Touch move”)
  • Decide you will play on a physical board or “on screen”.
  • Have fun!

If you have any questions get in touch.

(And for anyone reading this after the start date, No I cannot add players or change pairings

Russell Sherwood,

p.s. Should you decide this event is not for you , get in touch, do not go “silent”. This is both disrespectful to the other players and organizers.


Last Call for Entries to the William Evans

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, March 28, 2020

Anyone wishing to enter should be in touch by 5pm Sunday 29th March - the event will be set up in the eventing

EvansLast Call

Evans Gambit

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