Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

William Davies Evans Correspondence Cup

Russell Sherwood  Monday, March 30, 2020

Welcome to the WDECC!

The tournament has been paired using the Silli system and pairing are totally random.

Th event will be playing “Engine Free” on a honour basis. I have had a number of questions of what is allowed and what is not. In practice we are looking to playing this in the style of a Correspondence event from the early 90’s  so:


AllowedNot Allowed
Your own brainpowerChess Engines or any move generating method
Paper BooksMove checking software (e.g. Aquarium’s blunder check mode)
Instructional Videos, DVD;s, etcElectronic Opening Books
 Electronic Databases
 No other players “consulting”
 Sharing or discussing active games before they are completed.


If you are unsure, ask.

General thoughts:

  • Take your time – playing moves instantly tends not to give good results in CC
  • CC tends to be a game of analysis – so look at the position as per analyzing a postmortem. (You are of course free to play “Touch move”)
  • Decide you will play on a physical board or “on screen”.
  • Have fun!

If you have any questions get in touch.

(And for anyone reading this after the start date, No I cannot add players or change pairings

Russell Sherwood,

p.s. Should you decide this event is not for you , get in touch, do not go “silent”. This is both disrespectful to the other players and organizers.


Last Call for Entries to the William Evans

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, March 28, 2020

Anyone wishing to enter should be in touch by 5pm Sunday 29th March - the event will be set up in the eventing

EvansLast Call

Evans Gambit

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William Evans Cup Entries

Russell Sherwood  Wednesday, March 18, 2020

ICCF NameICCF RatingWCU RatingEntry Route
810165Stephen Bailey20041418WCCF
810183Ian Jones23932007Dual
 810248Bob Hurn19671697Dual
810209Oscar Elksnis  WCU
810278Rhys Jones2176 WCCF
810276Jon Coles19831589WCCF
810102David Guy15491924Dual
810202Helen Sherwood2330 WCCF
810189Alex Bullen19392106WCU
810283Mark Paffard 1603WCU
810282Jared Williams   
810284Gavin Jones 1563WCU
810285Chris Fox 1763WCU
810286Josh Robinson 1439WCU
810075Marc Wakeham2209 WCCF
810233Paul Scott23011698Dual
810287David Parsons 1732WCU
801289Daniel Jaberansari 1567WCU
810290John Waterfield 1984WCU

Updated Sunday, March 22, 2020 by Russell Sherwood

Bill Flew Memorial

Austin Lockwood  Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Bill Flew Memorial is now completed; congratulations to Ian Jones for winning this event with 7.5/8


William Davies Evans Correspondence Cup

Russell Sherwood  Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation and Welsh Chess Union are pleased to announce the William Davies Evans Correspondence Cup.

With the widespread disruption of Over the Board Chess events due to the Covid-19 Virus, we are partnering to organize a server-based Correspondence Chess Tournament.

The event will be held utilizing the Silli Tournament system, where each player will play 8 simultaneous games against players drawn from a pool of all competitors. 

An example of this is:


Entry is open to members of either the WCCF or WCU, who are either resident in Wales or play under the Welsh Flag. In all cases players will be required to register on ICCF.com (which is both free and where the games will be played)

The tournament will be Engine Free (on an honour basis) and unrated and played at a rate of 3 days per move plus a 10 day buffer, otherwise played under ICCF Tournament rules.

To support this event a series on articles on how to play Engine-Free Correspondence Chess will be published on https://www.welshccf.org.uk/

Entries will be accepted until 28th March, with an expected start date of 29th March 2020.

The winner of the event will be awarded with a small trophy.

If you are interested in entering the event please contact Russell Sherwood, WCCF Treasurer at [email protected] 

Wales - Sweden Update #2

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WCCF Trios

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, March 15, 2020

The next round of WCCF Trios will commence in April.

All Premium or International members are entitled to enter two Trios per membership cycle, otherwise the cost if £2 per Trio.

Any player wishing to take part in the next set of trios should contact Russell Sherwood

Examples can be seen at https://www.iccf.com/event?id=58305


4th Individual Zonal Tournament

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, March 14, 2020

Dinand Knol, the organizer of Individual Zonal Tournament, has announced the 4th edition of IZT. There will be 12 groups of 9 players each,


Each National Federation is guaranteed to have one participant and may nominate few additional players to fill vacancies. 

Entry fee is 5 Euro per player.

This event will start with a preliminary stage consisting of groups of 9 players each in categories 1-3. 

Players can qualify for CCE, CCM and IM title norms.

The top three finishers of each group will qualify for the semi final stage in at least category 4.

Participants must have a fixed ICCF rating of between 2200 and 2375.

Start date is March,31.


Any Welsh player interested in entering should get in touch at [email protected]


Norm Watch

Russell Sherwood  Friday, March 13, 2020

Congratulations to Phillip Dean on picking up both a SIM and IM Norm in WCCF 7th Invitational

Phillip DeanSIM NormWCCF 7
Welsh Correspondence Chess FederationClergy Correspondence Chess ClubSchemingMind Internet Correspondence Chess ClubSocial Correspondence Chess AssociationNational Correspondence Chess ClubWelsh Chess UnionInternational Correspondence Chess Association