Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

WCCF Member Organisations Team Tournament IV

Austin Lockwood  Tuesday, October 1, 2019

This tournament has now finished; congratulations to BCCA Lasker, SchemingMind B and BCCA Steinitz for taking first, second and third respectively.


The Member Organisation Team Tournament was fully funded by WCCF as a way to develop CC in Wales and to promote the activities of our affiliated organisations to Welsh players by giving free entries; unfortunately only five Welsh players entered the last tournament out of forty players altogether, and under the circumstances the WCCF Executive Committee decided that it was inappropriate to use WCCF funds to subsidise tournaments played by players of other national federations.

WCCF are still keen to continue to promote our partner organisations; any suggestions for the continuation of this event would be welcomed at the AGM.

71st European Individual Championship

Russell Sherwood  Monday, September 30, 2019

A solid performance from IM Tony Balshaw earned =6th place in the 71t European Individual Championships, half a point of a share of 1st place!

Euro Indiv ChampsTony BalshawTournament report

SIM Title for John Claridge

Russell Sherwood  Monday, September 30, 2019

In picking up his 3rd SIM Norm in WS/GMN/67, John has satisfied the requirements for and become Wales 2nd SIM!

John ClaridgeSIMTitle

2019 WCCF Annual General Meeting

Austin Lockwood  Friday, September 27, 2019

The 2019 WCCF Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday 9th November 2019 at St Mary's Priory, Abergavenny from 12:30.

WCCF Premium Members are invited to attend as full voting members; National and International Members are invited to attend as observers.

Premium Members may submit agenda items or proposals to the Secretary no later than Friday 25th October. Premium Members wishing to nominate candidates for election to the positions of President, Secretary, International Secretary, or Treasurer should send their nominations to the Secretary in advance of the meeting; all officers must be Premium Members in good standing and be prepared to retain their membership status for the duration of their tenure in office.

The full agenda will be posted on the WCCF website on Saturday 26th October.

Please confirm your attendance with the Secretary as soon as possible, as places may be limited.

Austin Lockwood
WCCF Secretary
[email protected]


Blast from the Past

New Article...

Norm Watch

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, September 21, 2019

Hot on the heels of his previous success Nick Bishop contiues with another CCE Norm in II TORNEO PABLO ATARS POR VENEZUELA 2019 GRUPO 5C

Wales - USA Friendly delayed

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, September 21, 2019

The start of the Friendly match has been delayed until mid October

ICCF Server

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, September 21, 2019

Please be aware that you may have some difficulty in accessing the ICCF server at the moment. The server is up and running but the issue is related to wider network dns issues. This should resolve over itself  over the next day or so.


Norm Watch

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Congratulations to William Bishop for picking up a CCE Norm in George D. Pyrich Memorial Team Tournament SF1 Board 2

NORJUB-75 Jubilee (NOR)

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, September 15, 2019

In celebration of its 75th anniversary, the Norwegian Correspondence Chess Federation is organizing an International Open Tournament.

ICCF Webserver
Register within 20th of October. Multiple entries allowed.

Register to: [email protected]

The tournament in 3 stages: Preliminaries, Semi-finals, and Final
Title norms possible in Semi-finals and Final
7 players groups in Preliminaries
Rating list 2019/4

Winner and runner-up of each group qualify to Semi-finals
11-13 players in Semi-finals.

No player is allowed to play more than two Semi-finals groups.

Entry fee 200 NOK (20 EURO) to https://www.paypal.me/Fjernsjakk
Players rated 2300 or above may join the semi-finals directly paying 200 NOK.


We use TrippleBlock system:
Preliminaries stage will start on 1st. November 2019 (TriBl 350)
Semi-finals: 1st. February 2021 (TriBl 350)
Final: 1st. April 2022 (TriBl 500)

Prizes: Winner of the semifinals wins 50 Euros

Prizes final: 400€ for first place; 300€ for second place; 200€ for third place, and medals

Prizes guaranteed if over 110 starters.  
TO: Roger Løvaas
TD: Roger Løvaas

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