Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

Counties and Districts Correspondence Chess Championship

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, September 9, 2017

Following on the from the superb performnces from West Wales A (winning the event), East Wales A (gaining promotion to the top tier) and West Wales B (gaining promotion to the 2nd tier) it is now time to finalise teams for the coming season.

A Lancashire team is being raised as well, which might be of interest to those living around the Northen border!

If you are interested in taking part and have not already registered an interest , please get in touch by the 19th of September to register your interest at [email protected]

If you are unsure about eligibility get in touch at the above address!




Title certificates from ICCF Congress

Austin Lockwood  Thursday, September 7, 2017

The awards of International Master (John Claridge) and Lady Grand Master (Helen Sherwood) were presented this week at the ICCF Congress in Albena, Bulgaria; the medals and certficates will be on their way to the recipients shortly!

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West Wales have won The Ward Higgs

Ian Jones  Tuesday, September 5, 2017

West Wales are the new British County and District Correspondence Chess Champions.

Winning the Ward-Higgs trophy.

It’s the first time that a Welsh team has won this event in its 95 year history.

The team has been undefeated in the last two years with a plus 17 score.

Thank you it’s been and honour to have captained and played for this team.

Martyn Griffiths,Russell Sherwood,Gareth Yeo,Andrew Gibbons,Adam Davies,Fred Clough,Glyn Sinnett and Ian Jones.

Wales have in the last two seasons won The Ward-Higgs, The Sinclair twice and the Butler-Thomas Trophies.

If you are interested in playing in this event next season please e mail us [email protected]

East Wales win The Sinclair.

Ian Jones  Friday, September 1, 2017

East Wales have won the County CC Championships (C & DCCC) Division 2

The Sinclair.

Like last year in The Butler-Thomas they have won by a clear 4 points

It’s been a performance that’s seen them take the Division Title with 14.5/16!

Next season will see two Welsh teams in The Ward-Higgs.

If you are interested in playing County Chess please contact Russell Sherwood


Wales have won The British Tri Nations again

Ian Jones  Friday, September 1, 2017

Wales won The British Tri Nations 2016, with a plus 9 score, beating England the holders into second place.

Alex Sherwood, Gareth Yeo, Dale Cannon, Aytaç Yüce, Fred Clough, Andrew Smith, Andrew Robertshaw, Paul Scott and Danny den Drijver all played very well, in this event.

I think that every single Welsh participant produced at least one game, which can be favourably compared with their creative output to date.

Paul Scott’s scored an impressive 4/4. Paul started this tournament with an 1800 grade and is now very near 2200.

The Time Machine

Russell Sherwood  Thursday, August 17, 2017

New Article

WCCF 2 is over!

Russell Sherwood  Thursday, August 17, 2017

Congratulations to Gareth Yeo on winning this event with the excellent score of 9.5/12, gaining an CCM Norm (on the way to the Title, for his troubles!)


Also well done to Dale Cannon, Paul Batchelor (ENG) , Alex Sherwood and Leonid Korogodski (USA) in achieving CCE Norms!

British Ladies Correspondence Chess Championship

Russell Sherwood  Monday, August 14, 2017

Congratulations to LGM Helen Sherwood (WLS) in winning the British Ladies Correspondence Chess Championship 2016-2017, alongside LIM Dawn Williamson (ENG), both putting in an excellent performance of 9.5/10. 


Both of these players are now on 2 Championship wins and I am sure the friendly rivalry between the two highest rated British women CC players will continue for years to come!

One of Helen's games from the event is included below.

Entries for the 2017-2018 British Ladies Correspondence Chess Championship are now being taken. If you are eligible and have not entered and wish to do so contact Russell Sherwood ([email protected]) for more details.


Wales win friendly match vs USA

Austin Lockwood  Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The friendly match against USA has just finished, with Wales winning by 24-20, well played all!


Friendly matches are available for players of all strengths and we always try to match players against opponents of equal strength; please follow the regular email updates for details of how to register and represent Wales in future matches.


Russell Sherwood  Sunday, July 30, 2017

to Helen Sherwood on Winning the British Championship Candidates Tournament 2016-2017


An excellent performance with Helen being a full point ahead of 2nd place!

Quote of the Day

Unlike other games in which lucre is the end and aim, [chess] recommends itself to the wise by the fact that its mimic battles are fought for no prize but honour. It is eminently and emphatically the philosopher’s game.

Paul Morphy


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