Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

Welsh Success at the Correspondence Master Title

Austin Lockwood  Thursday, April 6, 2017

The ICCF Correspondence Chess Master title was born in Cardiff at the 2015 ICCF Congress; appropriately, Wales are now the most successful of the 55 ICCF Member Federations in terms of players achieving the title.  We now have 5 active players holding the title (including one Lady Grand Master, the former ladies only name for the title).  Only Germany (13) and Russia (6) have more, however both those federations have many more active players.  When taken as a percentage of the total number of active players, Wales (6.49%) are well ahead of our nearest rivals, Bulgaria (5.41%).

If you are a Welsh chess player and are interested in playing correspondence chess and possibly earning the CCM, or any other title, please don't hesitate to contact us!

  ICCF Member Federation CCM/LGM titles per 100 players
1 WLS 6.49%
2 BUL 5.41%
3 EST 3.45%
4 LTU 2.99%
5 SLO 2.78%
6 CRO 2.08%
7 SVK 1.49%
8 CZE 1.46%
9 GER 1.41%
10 POL 1.34%
11 AUS 1.18%
12 ITA 1.10%
13 SUI 1.01%
14 RUS 0.99%
15 ESP 0.89%
16 ENG 0.76%
17 UKR 0.64%
18 AUT 0.63%
19 NED 0.40%
20 USA 0.27%

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Mark Adams Achieves the Correspondence Chess Master title

Austin Lockwood  Friday, March 17, 2017

Congratulations Mark Adams on achieving the CCM title! Mark's norms were earned in the Welsh Congress Invitational tournament, and representing Wales in the seventh North Atlantic Team Tournament.

Update - included one of Marks games from the Counties and Districts Championship

Updated Friday, March 31, 2017 by Austin Lockwood

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Yet another title...

Austin Lockwood  Friday, March 31, 2017

This time for Russell Sherwood - Congratualtions on acheiving ICCF Correspondence Master!

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Welsh Interests in Bdf Invitationals

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Good Luck to all the Welsh players involved in the 2017 BdF series of Invitational Tournaments

Correspondence Chess Expert Title for Dale Cannon

Austin Lockwood  Thursday, March 23, 2017

Congratulations Dale Cannon in achieving CCE norms in the Second and Third WCCF Invitational Tournaments.

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Wales are 2016 Tri-Nations Champions

Austin Lockwood  Thursday, March 16, 2017

Wales have won the 2016 Tri-Nations Team Tournament!

This is an annual event for players from England, Scotland and Wales rated under 2300, the tournament started in 2014 and is now in it's third year; this will be the second victory for Wales having also won the inaugral tournament.  England won the 2015 event.



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Marc Wakeham promoted to Level 2 Tournament Director

Russell Sherwood  Friday, March 10, 2017

Congratulations to Marc on reaching this milestone!



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Taking a Peek behind the Curtain!

Russell Sherwood  Thursday, March 9, 2017

New Articles!


So you want to be a Correspondence Chess Expert?

Russell Sherwood  Monday, March 6, 2017

New article.....


O Nerth i Nerth

Ian Jones  Saturday, March 4, 2017

Craig Evans is on Fire and seems to refute Richard Coleby`s opening.

Many thanks to Glyn Sinnett for the annotation

Quote of the Day

Unlike other games in which lucre is the end and aim, [chess] recommends itself to the wise by the fact that its mimic battles are fought for no prize but honour. It is eminently and emphatically the philosopher’s game.

Paul Morphy


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