Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

2023 Membership Fees

Austin Lockwood  Monday, November 7, 2022

Membership fees for Premium and International members for 2023 can now be paid through PayPal.

Please make your payment via this page:


Your membership status should be updated automatically shortly after payment is confirmed, you can check this from the same page.

If you would prefer to pay for your membership by cheque or direct bank transfer, please await further announcements.

Austin Lockwood

WCCF Secretary


7th British Webserver Team Tournament

Russell Sherwood  Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The WCCF are pleased to announce the 7th British Web server Team tournament

The Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation (WCCF) are pleased to announce that entries for the Seventh British Webserver Team Tournament are now open; this tournament will start on Dec 15th 2022. 

The entry fee remains £20.00 per team. Entries should be made at ICCF.com. This change is required to meet the new rules related to International Opens introduced in 2022.

As a reminder, the event does not offer Title norms and at least one British player (as defined in the rules) is required in any team. Teams will be allocated to qualified divisions, with new teams, normally starting in the bottom division. Any vacancies will be filled at the organizer’s discretion.

As this is an ICCF Open, entries must now be made via the ICCF Website.  Entries will be able to be made around 29th of October or earlier. More details will be made available in due course.

Organizers of new teams are encouraged to contact the organizer before entering

The closing date for entries is Sunday 4th December 2022.

Russell Sherwood, TO 7th BWSTT

UPDATE: You can now enter the BWSTT via Direct Entry; go to "New Events" and then "Wales".  The DE fee is €25 Euros because we are unable to collect entry fees in GBP via the ICCF website.




Updated Monday, November 7, 2022 by Austin Lockwood

Ray Pomeroy Memorial Event

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, October 30, 2022

Following the sad passing of Ray Pomeroy, the EFCC are looking to arrange a memorial event , involving Ray's friends, particularly those involved in the Civil Service CC.

The format of the event is still being discussed but if you would like to be register interest please get in touch


2022 Annual General Meeting

Austin Lockwood  Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation will be holding its annual general meeting on Sunday 27th November 2022 at 10:00am.

The meeting will be held over Zoom, all premium members are invited to attend as full participants and will have a vote at the meeting; national and international members may attend as non-voting observers (there is still time for national members to subscribe to premium membership for 2022!).

Anyone wishing to attend should inform the secretary in advance so that the Zoom details can be circulated.

The meeting agenda will be posted on the WCCF website no later than Sunday 13th November; all agenda items and proposals must be submitted by premium members by 17:00 on Friday 11th November, anything submitted after this deadline will not be discussed (please note that there will be no "other business" at the meeting).  

All elected Executive Committee positions (President, Secretary, International Secretary, and Treasurer) will be elected at the AGM; please send nominations for these positions to the Secretary before 17:00 on Friday 11th November; unless informed otherwise, we will assume that current officials are willing to accept nominations by default.

Premium members not able to attend the meeting may submit their votes for proposals and Executive Committee nominees to the Secretary after the agenda has been published.

Austin Lockwood

WCCF Secretary

[email protected]


CCM Norm and Title for Marc Wakeham

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Congratulation to Marc on achieving his final CCM Norm in  WS/MN/B/51

Here we see Marc in action in the WCCF New Year Tournament 2022

CCM TitleCorrespondenceChessICCFWCCF

CCM norm and Title for Josh Robinson

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, October 2, 2022

Congratulations to Josh on picking up the 2nd Norm and qualifying for the title in Champions League 2021 C1 Board 4

CCM NormCorrespondenceChessICCFWCCF

Invitational Events - Expression of Interest

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, September 25, 2022

We have received a number of invitations from the EFCC (Dec 2022 start) and are finalizing our own next series (Dec 2022-Jan 2023 start).

These events cover a full range of ratings, from below 2000 and Category 10 (and possibly beyond).

If you are interested and wish to express interest, please get in touch ASAP (note this is only available for Welsh flagged players). More details will be available for players who express interest.

BDF InvitationalsCorrespondenceChess

A Rules Proposal by Paul Keevil

New Article...

Wales vs Peru Friendly match underway

Russell Sherwood  Monday, September 19, 2022

Wales Vs Peru Friendly 2022

Good Luck to All!


10 Tips to reduce your CC Energy Use

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