Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

9th International School Friendly Event

Russell Sherwood  Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Polish CC Federation has announced the attached event



CCM Norm for Jon Coles

Russell Sherwood  Thursday, June 30, 2022

Congratulations to Jon Coles on picking up a CCM Norm in Champions League 2021 C1 Board 3


2022 ICCF Congress Proposals

Austin Lockwood  Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Proposals for the 2022 ICCF Congress are now finalised and online here:


WCCF will have a vote on each of these proposals, either online or directly at Congress in Glasgow.  The Executive Committee will discuss and agree how we should vote for each proposal, but as a democratic federation we also invite premium members with an interest in any or all of the proposals to participate in these discussions.

If you are a premium member and would like to take part in the discussions, please contact me by email ([email protected]) and I will add you to the email circulation list.

Austin Lockwood

WCCF Secretary

ICCF CongressProposals

Performance Stats in WCCF Friendlies

New Article...

WCCF Facebook Page and Group

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, June 11, 2022

As a reminder, the WCCF has two Facebook presences and a Twitter account, in addition to this website:

(2) Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation | Facebook   Mirror of the site postings

Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation | Facebook Private discussion group

(3) Welsh CCF (@WCCF_Official) / Twitter Mirror of the site postings


Level 2 TD

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, June 11, 2022

Congratulations to International Member Arthur Simplina on achieving Level 2 TD Status. Now the long slog towards the IA title commences.

If any Welsh player is interested in the officiation side of the game, get in touch


CorrespondenceChessTDWCCF 6

CCE Norm for Gerald Jenkins

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, June 11, 2022

Congratulations to Gerald Jenkins on achieving a CCE Norm in Champions League 2021 C6 Board 4  as a member of the rampant Welsh Thunder Team


USA Friendly

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, June 11, 2022

We are arranging a friendly match with the USA.....

The USA have a wide range of players and are able to closely match us on ratings.

We have matched the USA three times and the scoreline is 1 Win, 1 Loss and 1 Draw!

To sign up or for more details, get in touch (reply to this email)

As a reminder, participation in friendly matches is one of the criteria for selection to Team and Invitational events.

Andrew Smith 




CCE Norm for Peter Grayson

Russell Sherwood  Thursday, May 26, 2022

Congratulations to Peter Grayson on achieving a CCE norm in event Champions League 2021 C6 Board 1

Correspondence ChessICCF Congress

Is there such a thing as a Friendly match?

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