Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

USA Friendly

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, June 11, 2022

We are arranging a friendly match with the USA.....

The USA have a wide range of players and are able to closely match us on ratings.

We have matched the USA three times and the scoreline is 1 Win, 1 Loss and 1 Draw!

To sign up or for more details, get in touch (reply to this email)

As a reminder, participation in friendly matches is one of the criteria for selection to Team and Invitational events.

Andrew Smith 




CCE Norm for Peter Grayson

Russell Sherwood  Thursday, May 26, 2022

Congratulations to Peter Grayson on achieving a CCE norm in event Champions League 2021 C6 Board 1

Correspondence ChessICCF Congress

Is there such a thing as a Friendly match?

New Article...

News from the front

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, May 22, 2022

The Counties and Districts is turning out to be interesting this year

Cross Table (iccf.com)

Based on current forecasts, the expected Final table is below. Still lots of moves to be made and the slightest slip could change the table dramatically





Invitations to German Events

Russell Sherwood  Friday, May 20, 2022

We have received an invitation to nominate players to these events. If you are interested, please get in touch ASAP 

Russell Sherwood

In 2022, the BdF will organize several invitational tournaments. They will start on 19 June 2022.
I am pleased to invite players from your federation to the following tournaments.

1 Player - GER Candidate Master 08 A    Expected category VII  2410+
1 Player - GER Candidate Master 08 B    Expected category VI  2376+
1 Player - GER Diamant 12                       Expected category F - G     2100+

You are welcome to enter a larger number of candidates, if other federations do not provide the required number of players, they can take the starting places. Please mark the reserve player.

Tournaments will be conducted under the traditional time control of 10 moves in 50 days, 45 days off, with doubling after 20 consecutive days without a move

BdFBDF InvitationalsCorrespondenceChessICCF

ICCF World Correspondence Chess Championships Preliminaries

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, May 14, 2022

Good luck to :

Tom Gunn in WCCC46PR 1

Helen Sherwood in WCCC46PR 10

Josh Robinson in WCCC46PR 13


Results of ICCF Extraordinary Congress

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The results of the votes at the ICCF Exceptional Congress have now been posted online at ICCF Congresses


Players are invited to review the proposals and outcomes but the implications of this are:


  • The Russian and Belarusian Federations are now suspended
  • Russian and Belarusian players will be able to continue to play games and enter events with isolated player status.
  • Any Ukrainian games not started by the designated date will go through a automated adjudication process. Whilst this approach has shortcomings, (a) the games cannot be stopped indefinitely and (b) It is a least-worst option in terms of approach.
  • All the proposals will be reviewed at the Glasgow Congress.
  • Games involving Russian and Belarusian players should continue as normal. If you do not wish to communicate with your opponent, please request your TD to remove this option


If any Welsh player wish to discuss or clarify anything involved in these votes, feel free to get in touch.


Russell Sherwood

WCCF National Delegate

For and on behalf of the WCCF

WCCF Players Rating Progression 2010-2022

New Article...

Games and Ratings

New Article...

Horst Ritter Memorial - Welsh Teams

Russell Sherwood  Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Details of those selected for the Welsh Teams in these events have just been distributed. 

For those not selected, thank-you for your interest and better luck next time. For sure, these are some of the strongest Welsh teams fielded in this kind of event!


Quote of the Day

Unlike other games in which lucre is the end and aim, [chess] recommends itself to the wise by the fact that its mimic battles are fought for no prize but honour. It is eminently and emphatically the philosopher’s game.

Paul Morphy


Welsh Correspondence Chess FederationClergy Correspondence Chess ClubSchemingMind Internet Correspondence Chess ClubSocial Correspondence Chess AssociationNational Correspondence Chess ClubWelsh Chess UnionInternational Correspondence Chess Association