Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

Two worthy Events

Russell Sherwood  Friday, March 11, 2022

Two events worth of attention have been announced. 

Both of these are in support of Ukraine, with all profits being donated.

First we have the ICCF Sponsored "Peace Open" being organized by the German BdF federation. This is traditional open.  Details can be found here

Secondly, the Italian Federation are organizing an event "Help for Ukraine". This will be a little different as it will be unrated, but this means that it should attract higher rated players and experimental ideas can be tried. Details are here.

The WCCF will be donating our rebates from these events to the relevant charities.





CCE Norm and Title for Tom Gunn

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, March 6, 2022

Congratulations to Tom Gunn for picking up a 2nd Norm in British Candidates B 2021/23


ICCF KO Tournament Strategy and Tactics

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WCCF Request to ICCF for an EGM

Russell Sherwood  Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Dear members, following discussions over recent days the WCCF Executive committee decided to make a request of ICCF to hold an EGM with regard to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.


We would like to make a request for an EGM to be called by ICCF – detailed below. In addition, we request that a copy of this is circulated to National Delegates.

The Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation formally requests a special meeting of Congress according to Article 32 of the ICCF Statutes.  According to the statutes, we should specify the location, purpose, and agenda for the meeting, these are as follows: 

1.       Location: Online discussion using Zoom or similar video conferencing facilities, with voting to take place using the ICCF online voting system and closing one week after the meeting (similar to the arrangements for the 2021 Congress) 

2.       Purpose: to determine the future status of the Russian and Belarusian CC federations as ICCF member federations 

3.       Agenda: There will be three agenda items, both with votes of delegates. 

a.       The dismissal from ICCF of the Russian CC Federation 

b.       The dismissal from ICCF of the Belorussian CC Federation 

c.      Any other proposals raised in line with the voting regulations.  

         Including: (To be raised in detail) 

  1. The cancellation of the Ukraine Federations ICCF invoice for 2021-22 
  2. The establishment of an ICCF Open event (Similar to the Covid event) with the proceeds going to Ukrainian Humanitarian relief. 

4.    Method: All proposals will be placed online strictly according to the voting regulations, and delegates will be free to post new or amended proposals, specifically related to further sanctions, actions against individual players, or other actions related to these suspensions.  Proposals related to other matters should be deferred to the regular Congress in August. 


Russell Sherwood

ICCF Delegate for Wales

For and behalf of the WCCF


Members are also reminded that the correct, appropriate  and professional way to contact WCCF (or ICCF) is through designated officials or contact pages, not via social media.


WCCF Invitationals 2022

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Dear Welsh Members,

The WCCF are holding a number of Invitational events starting in April 2022.

These will be Category 8-10, 6-7,3-4,1 and I/J 

Currently :

Helen Sherwood, Russell Sherwood, Rhys Jones, Alex Sherwood, Paul Scott, Jon Coles, Michael Bowley, Gareth Jones, Peter Grayson, Tom Gunn, DP Morgan, Andrew Smith, Josh Robinson, Gerald Jenkins, Bob Hurn & Stephen Bailey

have applied for and been accepted into these events. A few spaces are potentially still open, so any Welsh Premium player wishing to take part please get in touch ASAP.

Priority will be given to those who have already applied, WCCF Premium members and those who have taken part in friendly matches.

For any International members, if you are interested, let me know. It is absolutely the choice of other National Federations who they nominate and you may be able to make your case, when we issue invitations.


Russell Sherwood

WCCF International Secretary


Developing an Opening Book – Part #2 Database Objectives

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Part 2  published for Premium members in the Russell Sherwood article section


CCM Norm and Title for Alex Bullen

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, February 20, 2022

Congratulations to Alex Bullen on achieving his 2nd CCM Norm and the Title



Create your own Workflow - Part #3

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Tip of the Week #25

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CDCCC 2022

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Counties and Districts is upon us again. The Ward-Higgs is especially interesting with 4 Welsh teams involved.

C & DCCC 2022/23Division 1 - Ward-Higgs

The draw has thrown up some intriguing stats. 

Four predictive measures have been used

  1. Average Team Rating
  2. Elo Prediction (Adding up all those 57% scores)
  3. Adjusted Elo Prediction (Converting the percentage scores to a result, prior to adding)
  4. Russell's Special Forecast 

Looking at these:



Yorkshire A look a strong contender for first place but then again got related two seasons ago! Lancashire A and Essex A look most likely to chase them home.

East Wales B and West Wales Dau look most likely to be rejected but this is often the case.

These predictions are a little surprising considering the Welsh effective dominance over recent seasons but only a fool would write off Welsh chances, both for the Championship and avoiding the drop.

Of course, nothing ever goes as predicted ,but an exciting tussle looks to be on the cards.


North Wales have a much different experience to come in the Third Tier, the Butler-Thomas, although promotion appears well within reality!

C & DCCC 2022/23 Division 3 - Butler Thomas

Good Luck to All

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