Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

Italy v Rest of Europe match 2021 announcement

Russell Sherwood  Thursday, September 23, 2021

A message from the Director of Zone 1

ICCF Zone 1 and ASIGC – Associazione Scacchistica Italiana Giocatori per Corrispondenza are delighted to announce that a friendly match Italy versus Rest of Europe will be organized in December, 2021.


1. The match will be played on ICCF webserver, ICCF Playing Rules will apply. Time control is 10 moves in 50 days with duplication after 20 days.

2. Number of boards is expected to be 130 to 150.

3. Any Zone 1 (Europa) National Federation (except for Italy) may nominate 5 players plus 5 reserve players for the Rest of Europe Team (usually some NFs are not represented in friendly matches, however it would be good if all players will be set in order). Deadline is October,30 2021.

4. Each player will play two games (one with White, one with Black) against her/his

opponent on her/his board.

5. Start date is December 20, 2021.

6. Team Captains are IA Gianni Mastrojeni (Italy) and GM Artis Gaujens (Rest of Europe). 

7.Tournament Director is Kjeldsen, Karsten (Denmark).

8. Order of boards will be set in accordance with ICCF ratings being taken from

up-to-date rating list (i.e. 2021/3).

9. Entries for the Rest of Europe Team should be sent to Artis Gaujens at [email protected] with a carbon copy to Zonal Director.


Andrey Pavlikov, Europa Zonal Director 


If you are a Welsh player and wish to be considered as one of the Welsh nomination, please get in touch

CorredpondenceChessICCF AnnouncementsWCCF

Tip of the Week#14

New Article...

Congratulations to BCCA Kings...

Austin Lockwood  Saturday, September 11, 2021

...on winning the 6th British Webserver Team Tournament!


The 7th Edition will be organised again by WCCF and will start in 2022; details will be announced here when available.


ICCF Rule Changes

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, September 5, 2021

A mailing from ICCF should be arriving in your mailbox, over the next day or so, regarding rules changes related to Congress. Please take the time to read through this and if you have any questions, please get in touch.

Correspondence ChessICCFRules

ICCF Congress 2021 Voting Summary

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, September 4, 2021

Results of the voting at the ICCF Congress.......

001ICCF Congress 20224908
002Approve Services Committee Budget for 202245012
003Approve the 2020 Minutes43014
004Application for new ICCF Member Federation – Philippines4609
006Accumulative GM Norm Feature162417
007Show the Best of all Titles63615
008Extend the Possibility of Obtaining Title Norms152517
009Remove the Possibility for Players who Achieved Places 1-3 in a National CC championship to Play in MN/B Tournaments43212
010Ensuring All Players Have the Same Initial Amount of Reflection Time271614
011A Plus-Score Requirement for Promotion in ICCF Events331014
012Limit of One Team Board per Player -- Except in Friendly Matches42312
013Already Registered Player Cannot Serve as Substitute/Replacement41412
014Eliminated Player Cannot Re-Enter Event on another Team42312
015Players can Never Serve as a Substitute/Replacement for Themselves41214
016Players who Have Already Served on a Team Cannot Serve as Player Again39513
017Only One Team Captain at a Time40314
018Making Accepted Withdrawal Procedures More Player-Friendly39513
019Notification of "Dead Man's Defense" (DMD) Claim to Opponent36813
020Update to the ICCF Privacy Policy (GDPR Requirement)38316
021Clarification on the Report of Results in Postal Tournaments31521
022Logging and Auditing Insights into Games in Progress231519
023Expanding the Team Definition for Friendly Matches35814
024Minimum Number of Different Players to Form a Team40512
025Reduction of Tournament Fees for 202246011
026New Structure of Postal Promotional Tournaments28722
027Including Anticipated Member Federations in Friendly Matches39612
028Recommendation to Congress - Venezuela to be Dismissed from ICCF37119
030Application for New ICCF Member Federation – Aruba43014
031[Conflicts with Proposal 2021-033] - Alteration to Appendix 1: Working Rules of the Rating System132331
032Amend the Rules for World Cup Tournaments34518
033[Conflicts with Proposal 2021-031] - Develop a Bespoke Rating System for ICCF37515
034Risk Management - Webserver Open Tournaments39513
035Tie-Breaking Update41214
036A Player Who Does Not Make any Moves Should be Declared "Inactive"143013
037Allow Friendly Matches to Have Regional Teams and Isolated Players30918
038Friendly Matches Viewing Rules271416
039Unbalanced Openings Trial Events34716
040***2/3 Vote Required *** Optional Preferential Voting (OPV) for Election of Officials29523

Tip of the Week #13

New Article...

Build your own Workflow #1

New Article...

ICCF - Finance Director - Call for Elections

New Article...

Tip of the Week #12

New Article...

British Correspondence Chess Championships 2021-2023

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, August 22, 2021


The closing date for the BCCC is fast approaching, at the end of the month. 

Current Entries are as below:


Ackley, Peter J. E. Bailey, Matthew W. Beckett, Phillip J. Brookes, John G. Brotherton, Trevor S. Bruce, Robert Cole, Steve Coleman, Peter L. Cowan, Alastair Ellis, Les Gardner, Allan Girling, Clive F. Gosling, Brian G. E. Graham, Oliver Grobler, David J. Grummitt, William Herman, Tom Kent, Chris Kitson, Keith Lockett, John Maguire, Gary Mahony, Jon D. Marchant, Arnold Raby, Eugene Rawlings, Alan J. C. Reed, Arthur F. Roberts, Anthony Arthur Ruffle, Alan Sutton, Alan B. Ward, Richard Webster, Richard Wood, Ben A. Wright, Ashley 


Beveridge, Colin Buchan, Allan Burridge, Raymond John Dunn, John Robinson, Andrew Whittaker, Ian P. 


Bishop, William Bowley, Michael Dutfield, Owain Gunn, Tom Jenkins, Gerald Jones, Gareth Jones, Rhys Lumley, Bill F. Perrin, Richard David Robinson, Josh Sherwood, Alexander Sherwood, Helen Sherwood, Russell Wakeham, Marc R. 

If you believe you have entered and are not on the list above please contact the Tournament Organiser, Russell Sherwood , [email protected] ASAP.

There is still time to enter if you have not already. If you wish to do so then this can be done by either your National Federation or directly to the WCCF at Online Payment (welshccf.org.uk), quoting your name and ICCF ID with your payment of £12.

Event Details can be found here: British Correspondence Chess Championship (welshccf.org.uk)

Russell Sherwood

TO British Correspondence Chess Championship 2021-2023

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