Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

Tournament start

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, October 23, 2021

Good Luck to Helen Sherwood and Ian Jones in 75th Anniversary BdF Section D

and 75th Anniversary BdF Section C organized by our Good Friends in the BdF

BDF InvitationalsCorrespondenceChessTournamentstart

Tip of the Week #19

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The 2021 WCCF Annual General Meeting

Austin Lockwood  Saturday, October 16, 2021

The 2021 WCCF Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 20th November 2021 at 13:00 over Zoom.  The final agenda will be published on the WCCF website no more than fourteen days in advance of the meeting, and the Zoom link will be circulated to confirmed attendees.

All Premium members may attend the AGM with full voting rights; National and International members may participate as observers.

If you wish to attend, please inform the secretary by email ([email protected]) in advance of the meeting so that you can be sent the Zoom link.

Nominations are invited for the elected positions of:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • International Secretary
  • Treasurer

Nominations should be sent by email to the secretary by 6th November; the nominated candidate must be a current Premium member of the federation and indicate her or his acceptance of the nomination.  The current holders of these positions will be automatically considered as nominees unless they indicate a desire to withdraw.

Premium members may submit proposals to the AGM until 6th November and these will be added to the agenda; no proposals will be accepted after the agenda is published, and no "other business" will be considered at the meeting.

After the publication of the agenda, Premium members not expecting to be able to attend the meeting may submit their votes for the election of officials and agenda proposals to the secretary by email in advance of the meeting.

Proxy votes will not be accepted.

Austin Lockwood

WCCF Secretary

[email protected]


Tip of the Week #18

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Italy versus Rest of Europe

Russell Sherwood  Friday, October 15, 2021

We have a number of places still available for the event below - if interested, please contact Russell Sherwood ASAP


that a friendly match Italy versus Rest of Europe will be organized in December, 2021.


1. The match will be played on ICCF webserver, ICCF Playing Rules will apply. Time control is 10 moves in 50 days with duplication after 20 days.

2. Number of boards is expected to be 130 to 150.

3. Any Zone 1 (Europa) National Federation (except for Italy) may nominate 5 players plus 5 reserve players for the Rest of Europe Team (usually some NFs are not represented in friendly matches, however it would be good if all players will be set in order). Deadline is October,30 2021.

4. Each player will play two games (one with White, one with Black) against her/his

opponent on her/his board.

5. Start date is December 20, 2021.

6. Team Captains are IA Gianni Mastrojeni (Italy) and GM Artis Gaujens (Rest of Europe). 

7.Tournament Director is Kjeldsen, Karsten (Denmark).

8. Order of boards will be set in accordance with ICCF ratings being taken from

up-to-date rating list (i.e. 2021/3).

9. Entries for the Rest of Europe Team should be sent to Artis Gaujens at [email protected] with a carbon copy to Zonal Director.


Andrey Pavlikov, Europa Zonal Director 

Friendly Match with England

Russell Sherwood  Friday, October 15, 2021

We are planning a friendly match with England, starting in November. Opponents are available for all ratings.

If you want to play 2 boards (2 games in total) let me know as it is likely we can pairing similar opponents

Let me know ASAP if you are interested

Andrew Smith

Friendly match organizer


Website Review - kszgk.com - Polish CC Federation

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Chess Engines for Correspondence Chess #1

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Tip of the Week #17

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CCE Norm for David Phillip Morgan

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, October 9, 2021

Congratulations to DP Morgan is picking up his first CCE Norm in BdF 2020

These 17 player events are a real marathon!


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