Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

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CCM Norm for Alex Bullen

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Congratulations to Alex Bullen in collecting his first CCM Norm in States and Regions CCC 2021 Division Three Board 1

Alex BullenCCM NormCorrespondenceChess

Tip of the Week #11

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ICCF Congress 2021 Proposals

Austin Lockwood  Saturday, August 7, 2021

Between 15th and 28th August ICCF member federations (including WCCF) will be voting on several proposals to be included in the ICCF rules and procedures from 2022; these are listed here:


All premium members of WCCF are entitled to make a contribution towards the Welsh vote; if you are a premium member and would like to participate in our internal voting process, please let me know ([email protected]).

Before deciding how to vote, you may be interested in reading the online comments and discussions under each proposal.  You may also be interested in following the virtual debate on each of the proposals, which will be streamed live here on Saturday 21st August 2021 at 13:00.

Austin Lockwood

WCCF Secretary

ICCF Congress

Tip of the Week #10

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CCE Norm and Title for Gareth Jones

Russell Sherwood  Friday, July 30, 2021

Gareth Jones has achieved his 3rd CCE Norm in States and Regions CCC 2021 Division Three Board 2  with 3 games to spare, which now qualifies him for the title as well!

CCE NormCCE TitleCorrespondenceChessGarethJones

Tip of the Week #9

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British Correspondence Chess Championship 2021-2023 Entries Update

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Useful CC Resource

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2nd CCE Norm for Jon Coles

Russell Sherwood  Thursday, July 22, 2021

Jon Coles secured his second CCE Norm with a fine win in Carlos Flores Gutiérrez Team Tournament SF4 Board 5

Due to game count, Jon needs a third Norm to secure the title!


2021 ICCF Virtual Congress

Austin Lockwood  Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The annual ICCF Congress will take place this year online on Saturday 21st August at 13:00 (UK Time); if anyone is interested in getting an insight about how decisions are made in ICCF, the event will be streamed live on this site.

The agenda of the meeting will be determined by the proposals made to Congress, which are listed here.

If any Premium member of WCCF would like to suggest an item for the agenda, please contact Russell or Austin.

Welsh Correspondence Chess FederationClergy Correspondence Chess ClubSchemingMind Internet Correspondence Chess ClubSocial Correspondence Chess AssociationNational Correspondence Chess ClubWelsh Chess UnionInternational Correspondence Chess Association