Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

Welsh Correspondence Chess Championships 2021

Russell Sherwood  Thursday, April 8, 2021

The 2021 Welsh Correspondence Chess Championship will commence in June 2021.

Entry to the 2021 Championship is open to all Welsh flagged chess players; there will be no entry fee for this season only.

The tournament will be played online using the ICCF webserver https://www.iccf.com

All players must be registered under the Welsh flag.  Player who are not yet registered with ICCF may do so by following the “New Player” link under the sign in box.

There will be a championship section of between seven and eleven players and one or more qualification section.  The winner of the championship section will receive the title of “2021 Welsh Correspondence Chess Champions” and an engraved trophy; The WCCC is a qualifying event for the British Correspondence Chess Championship.

The time control will be ten moves in 40 days, with duplication after 20 days and 45 days leave.

All applicable ICCF rules will apply, for the full rules, please see:

For a list of previous winners, please see http://welshccf.org.uk/content/87

To enter the Welsh Correspondence Chess Championship, please contact the WCCF International secretary, Russell Sherwood by email: [email protected]

The closing date for entries is 1st June 2021, the tournament will start shortly after this date.

Correspondence ChessWelsh Champs

CCM Norm for Aytac Yuce

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Congratulations to Aytac on collecting a 2nd CCM Norm in Champions League 2019 C6 Board 4

Due to the number of games, a 3rd Norm will be required for the title.

Aytac YuceCCMCorrespondence Chess

CCE Norm for Marc Wakeham

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Congratulations to Marc for achieving a 2nd CCE Norm in the British Reserves B 2020/22

Although this is Marc's 2nd Norm, he will require a 3rd to finalise the title.


CorrespondenceChessMarc Wakeham

CCE Norm and Title for Alex Bullen

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Alex Bullen has achieved a 2nd CCE Norm in States and Regions CCC 2021 Division Three Board 1

and with the CCE Title! 

Alex BullenCCE NormCCETitleCorrespondenceChessStates&Regions

Nol van ´t Riet Team Tournament - Squad Call

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, March 28, 2021

Any Welsh flagged player interested and rated below 2300 who wishes to be considered for of our squad please get in touch with Russell Sherwood

Note: the Entry fees for the Welsh Team(s) will be paid by the WCCF

Nol van ´t Riet Team Tournament


On behalf of the ICCF, I’m pleased to announce the IV. ICCF Team Tournament for players rated <2300 – here in memoriam Nol van't Riet.

All ICCF member federations (that are not currently suspended) are invited to enter their teams to this event, which will be played on the ICCF webserver on two rounds: semifinal and final.

The first three teams in the final will receive medals.

Each federation may enter two teams. All team players must be rated at <2300 on the ICCF rating list 2021/2 or the current FIDE list. In addition, all players must be full members of the federation they represent or be registered on the ICCF server for the county of the federation they represent for the tournament duration.

The preliminaries will start on July 4st, 2021 (that was the birthday of Nol van't Riet!).

There will be 6 players on each team. A maximum of 3 players may be replaced during the tournament.

The right to be promoted from the preliminaries shall be determined by the ICCF Non-Title Tournaments Commissioner and approved by the Executive Board at the start of the tournament. The intention will be for a 13 Team final.

The entry fee will be at the rate of € 5 per player, i.e. € 30 per team. There will be no further entry fee for the final.

The time control will be Triple Block (Duration of Tournament: 700 days; Initial Clock: 50 days; Initial Bank: 50 days; Increment: 5 days).

Team entries have to be sent by the national federations to the Non-Title Tournament Commissioner Jörg Kracht ([email protected]) not later than June 12th, 2021. No replacement or board change will be allowed after that date unless exceptional circumstances occur. All entries should include the following details:

  • board order
  • name, ICCF code, and e-mail address of the players
  • name, ICCF code, and e-mail address of the Team Captain

 FIDE Ratings will be treated as "unfixed“ for title norm purposes. Players who have no ICCF fixed rating nor FIDE rating will be allocated with a provisional rating of 2100.

Jörg Kracht
Non-Title Tournaments Commissioner

CorrespondenceChessICCFTeam Tournament

Tie-Break win in Wales- USA Friendly

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Wales have won the Wales - USA Friendly Match 2019  by the narrowest of margins.

With scores tied Wales win on the board points tie-break.

Congratulations to the 9 players who recorded wins.

I am sure a rematch will occur!

CorrespondenceChessFriendlyWalesUSAWCCF 7

CCE Norm for Gareth Jones

Russell Sherwood  Thursday, March 11, 2021

A 2nd CCE Norm for Gareth Jones in British Reserves B 2020/22

Gareth will have to wait for all results to complete to achieve the title.


CCE NormCorrespondenceChessWCCF

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New Premium content: Analysis tools

Russell Sherwood  Wednesday, March 10, 2021

New content for Premium/International members...ensure you log in with your ICCF ID to be able to view.

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