Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

CCE Norm for Gareth Jones

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, January 17, 2021

Gareth picked up his first CCE Norm in Carlos Flores Gutiérrez Team Tournament SF4 Board 6

CCE NormCorrespondence Chess

IM Norm for Russell Sherwood

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, January 17, 2021

Russell picked up his first IM Norm in III Celso Sanchez Pouso IM y VII FEDAPVEN Grupo A5

Correspondence ChessIM Norm

3rd States and Regions

Russell Sherwood  Friday, January 8, 2021

WCCF are proud to commence the 3rd States and Regions Correspondence Team Chess Championship. In what is now the premier cc team event hosted in the UK, involving players from 33 Counties (MEX, CZE, USA, POL, PER, ESP, WLS, RUS, ENG, SUI, GER, ITA, AUT, BRA, DEN, PAN, CUB, BUL, LAT, CAN, SWE, SCO, PHI, FRA, UKR, GUM, TUN, NED, FED, FIN, BEL, SLO and AUS). 

Taking part  are: 1 GM, 10 SIM, 21 IM, 67 CCM/LGM and 40 CCE.

We are happy that half of the boards have achieved Norm Category 1 or higher, allowing the pursuit of IM, SIM and GM Norms. Overall 77% of players are able to pursue meaningful norm opportunities.  The excellent response has forced the creation of four divisions. This excellent response has also required the activation of the Board ordering rule in a few cases to avoid players being disadvantaged.

Beyond the teams already qualified into the 1st Division the margin between the average team ratings is very tight, averaging typically 100 elo.

Norm Categories



States and Regions CCC 2021 Division One

An interesting field with defending champions Tirol being only the 6th strongest team (on paper). Strength in depth is seen with Board 4 achieving an average rating of 2323/Category 3


States and Regions CCC 2021 Division Two

The overall strength of the event is evident with Boards 1 and 2 achieving Category 5 and 4. Top seeds Western Ukraine and Mantanzas All stars must be favourite here, both being unlucky to just miss out on Division 1. 


States and Regions CCC 2021 Division Three

An interesting mix of established and rookie players should lead to fireworks in this division.

States and Regions CCC 2021 Division Four

This Division includes a wide mix of players and teams. Many emerging talents are here – is this their chance to shine?

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Winning #1 – Increasing Computing Resource

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3rd EU Amateur Cup 

Russell Sherwood  Monday, January 4, 2021

The International Correspondence Chess Federation

Zone 1 Europa

3rd EU Amateur Cup  

A new multi-stage tournament for players rated not higher than 2000. It is expected that the tournament will be organized annually.

The tournament will be organized in three stages, played by server. Usually each group consists of 7-11 players in the preliminary round, 9-13 in the semifinal round and 11-15 in the final round. Each player plays one game with every opponent of his group simultaneously.

The event will be rated with title norms, which are possible at the semifinal and final stages.


Only players rated 1000 to 2000 in current rating-list (2021/1) are eligible to play the tournament. Unrated players are not allowed to play.

Only players from National Federations who are members of Zone 1 (Europe) are eligible to play the tournament. Players from other National Federations who are not members of Zone 1 are not allowed to play.

Players may enter in the usual way through their National Federations or, where eligible, via the ICCF Direct Entry system.

Entry fee is 5 Euros. 

Registration will begin immediately and will close on January,31 2021 to allow for pairings.

Allocation of players to the preliminary and semifinal groups will be made as random as possible; however, geographical distribution as well as an achievement of reasonable equality of the average rating will be taken in consideration.

Tournament Organization

The tournament starts on February,202021. Triple Block system for a 350 days event, with 75 days initial bank and 1 day increment for the first 50 moves is used, no leave. All groups will finish on February,1 2022 at the latest.

The semi-finals are expected to start on March,1 2022 at the latest. Triple Block system for a 350 days event, with 75 days initial bank and 1 day increment for the first 50 moves is used, no leave. All groups will finish on February,15 2023 at the latest.

The final is expected to start on March,15 2023 at the latest. Triple Block system for a 400 days event, with 50 days initial bank and 2 days increment for the first 50 moves is used, no leave. The tournament will finish on May,1 2024 at the latest.


In the Final medals and certificates will be awarded to the top 3 players (if necessary tie-breaks will be applied). The winner of the Final receives a special Cup Trophy.

Top three scorers in the Final may enter directly a European Individual Championship Semifinal regardless of their ratings.



The number of promotions depends on total entries received, but it is initially assumed that the top two players of each preliminary section will qualify for the semifinal stage. The winner of each semifinal section will qualify for the Final.

Although the number of preliminary groups which each player may enter is unlimited, no player will qualify for more than two semifinal groups or more than one place in the final.

Member Federations are asked to give the tournament wide publicity to all their players.

We wish all participants many interesting games and new connections with CC friends in other countries, based on the spirit of friendship and the ICCF motto:


Andrey Pavlikov, 

Zonal Director for Europe, Central Tournament Leader

ChessCorrespondence ChessZone 1

2nd CCE Norm for Rhys Jones

Russell Sherwood  Friday, January 1, 2021

Rhys Jones has picked up a 2nd CCE Norm in Carlos Flores Gutiérrez Team Tournament SF1 Board 1

Although this is his 2nd Norm as both events are fewer than 13 players, this is currently inadequate to achieve the title. (As a reminder to all 24 qualifying games are required NOT two Norms)


Rating based Oppotunities

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Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

Russell Sherwood  Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year! 

Counties and Districts 2021 Clearing House

Russell Sherwood  Monday, December 21, 2020

The 2021 edition of the Tournament is expected to start in January. 

This tournament follows the unusual Hutton tournament where teams of 8 player two games (one as Black and one as white against the same opponent) with the cycling of pairings meaning that each team players each other team.

As in the past we will operate a clearing house - Teams in the past have been fielded for players representing West Wales, East Wales, and we hope again this year to organize a team representing North Wales.

The event is played over 3 divisions, which means that there are games to suit all strengths of player

C & DCCC 2020 Division 1 - Ward-Higgs

C & DCCC 2020 Division 2 - Sinclair

C & DCCC 2020 Division 3 - Butler Thomas

With only two games the CDCCC is a great way to get involved in representative correspondence chess.

If you are interested or wish to know more get in touch with Russell Sherwood  

Note: This event is only open to players flagged as English, Scotland, Wales or isolated.

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