Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

Zone 1 vs World Zone Friendly Match

Russell Sherwood  Monday, September 14, 2020

ICCF Zone 1 and ICCF World Zone are delighted to announce that a friendly match Europe v World Zone will be organized in November, 2020.

1. The match will be played on ICCF webserver, ICCF Playing Rules will apply. Time control is 10 moves in 40 days with duplication after 20 days.

2. Number of boards is expected 100 to 150.

3. Any Zone 1 (Europa) National Federation may nominate up to 4 players for the Europe Team (usually some NFs are not represented in friendly matches, however it would be good if all players will be set in order). Deadline is October 1, 2020.

4. Each player will play two games (one with White, one with Black) against her/his opponent on her/his board.

5. Start date is November 1, 2020.

6. Team Captains are SIM Andrey Pavlikov (Europe) and IM Juan Alberto Martello (world Zone). 

7. Tournament Director will be announced later.

8. Order of boards will be set in accordance with ICCF ratings being taken from up-to-date rating list (i.e. 2020/4).


If you wish to be nominated for this event please get in touch with Russell Sherwood by 24/9/2020 


Russell Sherwood  Thursday, September 10, 2020

The 2020 WCCF Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday 19th September from 13:00 to 17:00.  Because of the requirement to socially distance, this year's AGM will be held exclusively online using the Zoom platform.

Attached is the Agenda for the meeting

National and International members are entitled to attend the meeting as observers; Premium members will have full voting rights at the meeting. Please contact the Secretary for logon details for Zoom if you wish to attend.

Russell Sherwood

WCCF International Secretary



CCM Norm and Title for Paul Scott

Russell Sherwood  Monday, September 7, 2020

Congratulations to Paul Scott in picking up his 2nd Norm and CCM Title in WS/MN/B/12

Paul becomes the 14th Welsh holder of the title (incorporating the LGM)!

If any Welsh player wants to work towards ICCF titles please get in touch as we can facilitate the journey somewhat!

CCMPaul Scott

3rd Chess 960 European Team Cup - Final

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Good luck to the Welsh Team in the 3rd Chess 960 European Team Cup - Final

I'm sure many remember what happened last time Wales were the bottom seed!



Euro Team Cup Semi Finals

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Following our stunning victory against the Swedes we now face the Russian and Spanish Teams in a 20 board event to decide who advances to the Final. 

Any Welsh flagged player rated above 2000 who is interested in taking part please get in touch.

British Championship Entries

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, September 1, 2020

If you believe you have entered the British Championship this year and your name is not the list please get in touch ASAP!

BCCC Entries

7th International Clergy Polish Championship

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Good Luck to Stephen Dunning in the 7th International Clergy Polish Championship 


Notice of 2020 WCCF Annual General Meeting

Austin Lockwood  Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The 2020 WCCF Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday 19th September from 13:00 to 17:00.  Because of the requirement to socially distance, this year's AGM will be held exclusively online using the Zoom platform.

The meeting will start with a Chess Technology Q&A session led by Russell Sherwood, where he will try to answer any questions you might have about engines, databases, etc. If you do have any questions, it would be useful to send these to Russell in advance of the meeting.

National and International members are entitled to attend the meeting as observers; Premium members will have full voting rights at the meeting.  Please contact the Secretary for logon details for Zoom if you wish to attend.

Any Premium member wishing to submit a motion to the meeting should send these to the Secretary by email no later than 5th September; nominations for the elected positions of President, Secretary, International Secretary, and Treasurer should also be sent to the Secretary by this date.  A full agenda will be made available on the WCCF website shortly following this deadline.

Austin Lockwood

WCCF Secretary

[email protected]


British Championship - Entries to Date - Closing Date 31st August

New Article...

Welsh Victory in EU Team Cup Quarterfinal vs Sweden

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, August 4, 2020

....with a draw in the 35th game to finish, Adam Davies pushes the Welsh team over the line with five games to spare!


Euro Teamp Cup
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