Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

Congress Proposal Voting

Austin Lockwood  Thursday, July 30, 2020

The voting for the ICCF "Virtual Congress" proposals 2020 has now completed and the results shown below.

Online voting was a real success this year, with 85% of possible votes having been cast by national delegates. Some proposals recieved as many as 50 votes out of a possible 56, this is probably a record for an ICCF Congress!

For the first time, all votes were cast by the official delegate for each federation, with no need for any proxy allocations.

ICCF officials will now start the work of implementing the successful proposals, in most cases starting from 1st January 2021.

2020-001Approve Services Committee Budget for 2021470Passed
2020-002Optional Preferential Voting (OPV) for Election of Officials3212Passed (2/3 majority)
2020-003Approve the 2019 Minutes500Passed
2020-004Approve Financial Reports471Passed
2020-005Players' Record Keeping Requirement409Passed
2020-006Players' Requirement to Update Personal Address480Passed
2020-007Counting FIDE GMs417Superceded by 2020-008
2020-008Eliminate Requirement of "5 GM" Opponents for GM Title3711Passed
2020-009Making the Triple Block Time Control System an Official Option417Passed
2020-010Clarifying a Requirement for a Title Tournament416Passed
2020-011Congress Allowances for ICCF Auditor2620Passed
2020-012Limiting the 10-Move Draw Rule398Passed
2020-013Lowering Entry Fees500Passed
2020-0142020 and Onwards - CCE and CCM Medals1927Defeated
2020-016Add a Second Payment Processor to the Server Entry Process463Passed
2020-017Validity of “Half Qualifications” for WCCC417Passed
2020-018Assumed Ratings425Passed
2020-019New Tournament Format426Passed
2020-020Special Provisions for the 70th ICCF Jubilee Events3117Passed
2020-023Clarifying Rules about Resetting Clocks after Extended Period of Down Server481Passed
2020-024Establish “Regional” Tournaments3115Passed
2020-025Norm Tournaments: Switching of an Entry When the Player's Rating Changes490Passed
2020-027Updates to the ICCF Voting Regulations and Electoral Procedures [2/3 VOTE]3510Passed (2/3 majority)
2020-028Electronic Awards2028Defeated
2020-029Allowing FIDE GMs to Play Free in ICCF GMN Events387Passed
2020-030New Title: International Organizer (IO) and its Scales TO Level 1 and TO Level 21827Defeated
2020-031Allowing TCs to Make TC-initiated Substitutions Directly3810Passed
2020-032ICCF Congress 2021-Clydebank Glasgow471Passed
2020-033Title Norms in Chess 9601533Defeated
2020-034Limitations to the Number of Open Tournaments Organised by MFs406Passed
2020-035Final "B" in Different Rounds of the Tournament1830Defeated
2020-036New Tournament: World Team Cup398Passed
2020-037Friendly Matches Viewing Rules1529Defeated


ICCF Congress

WCCF 2019 Christmas Special

Austin Lockwood  Saturday, July 25, 2020

Well played Rhys Jones for winning the recently completed 2019 Christmas Special with an impressive score of 5.5/6!


WCCF Christmas Special

3rd Chess 960 European Team Cup

Russell Sherwood  Thursday, July 23, 2020

ICCF-Europa invites all its member federations to enter a team to a new team tournament to be played on the ICCF webserver. Each member federation may enter one team of 4 players (and a team captain). 

The tournament is likely to be organized in 

one or two stages 

(it depends on the number of entries). Pairings will use a Double Round Robin system whereby players play 2 games with alternate colours against each opponent (both games against the same opponent will start with the same randomized position of the pieces but these will vary against other opponents). Time control is 

30 days for 10 moves

 and the games will be 

rated in ICCF Chess 960 rating system

. Members of the first three teams in the final will be awarded medals and certificates. 

Start date
The tournament will start on 15th of September 2020

There is no entry fee for this tournament.

The first Cup attracted 9 teams, the second Cup was played with 12 teams. I invite all national federations to join this tournament and let players enjoy play at chess 960.


If you are interested in being part of the Welsh team please get in touch by 23/8/2020

960Euro Team Champs

CCE Title for Andrew Smith

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, July 19, 2020

Fast on the heels of his previous norm Andrew has completed another Norm and gained the CCE Title in WS/CCE/A/4

Andre becomes our 18th CCE titleholder

Andrew SmithCCE Title

Wales - Brazil Friendly underway

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, July 19, 2020

The friendly match is underway on 29 boards   WLS - BRA 2020

CCE Norm for Andrew Smith

Russell Sherwood  Friday, July 17, 2020

Congratulations to Andrew Smith in picking up a CCM Norm in the George D. Pyrich Memorial Team Tournament SF1 Board 3

This is Andrew's second CCE Norm but more games will be required to complete the title.


Return to the Engine Room

New Article...

Friendly Match vs Aruba

Austin Lockwood  Monday, July 6, 2020

Wales have just started a new friendly match vs some new players from Aruba


We are hoping that this will be a great introduction to CC for our new Aruban friends, and that eventually they will consider starting a new national CC federation and applying for membership of ICCF.

ArubaFriendliesFriendly Match

CCE Norm for Peter Bevan

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, June 28, 2020

Congratulations to Peter Bevan in picking up a 2nd CCE Norm in George D. Pyrich Memorial Team Tournament SF1

To complete the Title a third norm will be required.


ICCF Congress Voting

Austin Lockwood  Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The final list of approved proposals for the 2020 ICCF Congress is now available on the ICCF website:


Because of the difficulties in organising a full Congress due to the disruption caused internationally by the COVID-19 virus, Congress will be held virtually this year, with member federations submitting votes electronically from 8-28 July.

The WCCF Executive Committee are currently discussing how Wales will vote for each of these proposals; if any WCCF member would like to raise an issue about any of the proposals, please contact the WCCF Secretary at [email protected] before 8th July and this will be fed back to the EC.

If any Premium member would like to join with the EC's discussions and contribute to the internal voting process, please also get in touch.

ICCF Congress
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