Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

7th Interzonal Team Tournament

Austin Lockwood  Friday, January 25, 2013

Good luck to Tony Balshaw in the 7th Interzonal Team Tournament. The teams in this event are North America and Pacific (A and B), Africa and Asia (A, B and C), Latin America, and Europe (A, B, C and D). The European teams have been selected to include a player from each of the ICCF National Federations in the European Zone; Tony is representing Wales in "Europe B"

The overall crosstable is here:


and Tony's board is here:


Good luck Tony!

Welsh Trio No.2

Austin Lockwood  Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Congratulations to Russell Sherwood, who has won the first completed Welsh Trio with 100%


Well played Russell!

Please note that:

  • The trios run continuously, so places are always available.
  • Entry is free for two Trios per year (£5 for your third, etc.), and open to any Welsh player; no membership is required. If you don't have an ICCF ID, please get in touch with me.
  • Your games are ICCF rated.
  • You only play four games, so it's not as big a committment for busy players as a larger tournament.
  • Play is online at iccf.com.

Overall this is a great introduction to correspondence chess, if you'd like to play, please contact me at [email protected]

Russia vs Rest of Europe

Austin Lockwood  Friday, December 7, 2012

Good luck to David Roberts, Malcolm Chugg, and Marc Wakeham who will be representing Wales on the "Rest of Europe" team for a friendly match against Russia. This match will start on 15th December, and you can follow the crosstable here:


Welsh Trios

Austin Lockwood  Monday, November 26, 2012

"Welsh Trios" are a new type of tournament run by the Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation.

Trios will be for three players only, with two games against each player (four games in total for each player).

These tournaments will be played online on the ICCF webserver; the standard time control of 10 moves in 35 days will be used. Games will be rated by ICCF.

Trios are open to all Welsh players (players who are currently registered as Welsh on the ICCF server, or new players who were born in, or who currently reside in, Wales), membership is not required.

Players may have two free entries to the trios each calendar year (so get your 2012 entries in now!). You may enter more than two trios per year, however there will be an entry fee of £5.00 for your third and subsequent entry in the same calendar year.

Players new to correspondence chess are very welcome to enter the trios; this is a great introduction to the game for new players because it only involves four games and is rated. Please circulate this information around your clubs and your other chess playing friends!

To enter, please contact me ([email protected]) giving details of your ICCF ID number if you have one (if you don't, I can register you - I just need your full name and email address). Entry is continuous, new sections will be started when vacant slots are filled.

Thanks! Austin Lockwood

WCCF Secretary and ICCF Delegate for Wales

Sweden Wales Friendly Match Started

Austin Lockwood  Thursday, November 22, 2012


Good luck to all players! We have had invitations from other federations to play friendly matches but we need more players before we can start a lot more matches. These events are free to enter and open to Welsh players of any strength (we always try and match you against an opponent of similar strength).

If you'd like to play in these matches, or in any other ICCF rated event, please contact me!

[email protected]

Olympiad Preliminaries Started

Austin Lockwood  Monday, November 19, 2012

The Olympiad Preliminaries have now started! - Good luck to all!


20th Correspondence Chess Olympiad Preliminaries

Austin Lockwood  Friday, November 2, 2012

The XX ICCF Olympiad will start on 10th December 2012, and for the first time in many years, Wales will be represented. The team has now been submitted to the tournament organisers and will consist of:

  • Board 1: Lockwood, Austin
  • Board 2: Balshaw, Anthony
  • Board3: Varley, Peter
  • Board 4: Adams, Mark
  • Board 5: Vaughan, David Owen
  • Board 6: Williams, John L

I fully expect a tough section in this event, but I hope we can pick up some points - Good luck to all players!

Friendly Match with Sweden

Austin Lockwood  Friday, November 2, 2012

The Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation has received an invitation from the Swedish Correspondence Chess Association to play a friendly match. This will be open to all Welsh players (the Swedes will attempt to match all our players against players of similar strength). This match will be played online on the ICCF Webserver and should be a good introduction to new players as it will only involve two games against the same player.

If you would like to represent Wales in this match, please let me know within the next seven days and I will guarantee you a place in the team - the games will start on 15th November. These games will be rated and this will give new players a chance to start to build their first official ICCF rating (for players with a FIDE rating, but no ICCF rating, their FIDE rating will be used as their starting provisional ICCF rating).

The Swedes have asked me if it would be possible to play one or two of these boards by "snail" mail; if you would like to experience the traditional way of playing correspondence chess, please let me know and I will arrange it; otherwise your games will be played online on the ICCF Webserver.

Austin Lockwood

ICCF Delegate for Wales

[email protected]

Wales Elected as ICCF Member Federation

Austin Lockwood  Monday, October 29, 2012

The Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation were unanimously elected as a full member federation of the International Correspondence Chess Federation this morning at ICCF Congress in Pretoria, South Africa.

Wales vs Peru - Match Started!

Austin Lockwood  Thursday, September 20, 2012

The first international correspondence chess match involving a Welsh team for many years has now been started over thirteen boards on the ICCF webserver.

Many thanks to our friends from Peru for agreeing to play this match, and good luck to all players involved.

Any Welsh chess player interested in getting involved in future matches should contact the WCCF secretary, Austin Lockwood ([email protected]).


Welsh Correspondence Chess FederationClergy Correspondence Chess ClubSchemingMind Internet Correspondence Chess ClubSocial Correspondence Chess AssociationNational Correspondence Chess ClubWelsh Chess UnionInternational Correspondence Chess Association