Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

Friendly Match: Wales v Cuba

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, January 8, 2022

Wales - Cuba Friendly 2020 has finished with a Cuban Victory 33.5-16.5.

Congratulations to our Cuban friends and a special mention goes to Andrew Smith in picking up a Welsh win!


2021 AGM Minutes

Austin Lockwood  Monday, January 3, 2022

The draft minutes of the 2021 WCCF AGM, held on 20th November, are attached.

These minutes are subject to ratification at the 2022 AGM.


Tip of the Week #22

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Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, January 1, 2022

Counties and Districts 2022

Russell Sherwood  Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The current season ends soon!

The cross tables can be viewed  at:-

Ward Higgs   https://www.iccf.com/event?id=90830

Sinclair       https://www.iccf.com/event?id=90944

Butler - Thomas   https://www.iccf.com/event?id=90945 


Event now finished with Lancashire  in first place and West Wales A  in second place.

Hertfordshire A and Surrey B are relegated.


 There is 1 game still in progress , Yorkshire A  are in first place but could be overtaken  by  East Wales B  if they win their last game. 

Worcestershire A and Durham are relegated.

Butler Thomas

There is 1 game still in progress

Winners are Surrey D and are promoted to the Sinclair with Yorkshire C who finished second.

 If wish to play in the next season, starting soon, please contact either Ian Jones (West Wales Teams) or Russell Sherwood (East and North Wales Teams). 

CDCCC 2022 looks to be very interesting with (a) All the strongest teams qualified to the Ward-Higgs and (b) Welsh or teams with strong Welsh participation making up 50% of the qualifications in the Top Tier, so dont miss out.

As always, participation in this event is only open to ENG/SCO/WLS players or those from areas such as the Channel Islands.


Engines in the Endgame

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Winning the Exchange

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, December 26, 2021

Winning a Rook for a minor piece can set one on a path to victory in  chess games. In correspondence games, against the best defensive play, this seems true less often. In 3 recent cc games, despite being the exchange up, I have had to settle for the draw. In the latest of these, as White, I have King on g4, a pawn on g5 and Rook on b3. Black to move has King on g8, Bishop on e7 and pawn on g6. My material and space advantages count for nothing. Black has an accurate, saving resource.

I usually play my engine’s top choice move. In a current game, in which I am the exchange up, I have decided against this. The top line was forcing, but led to exchanging off Queens and a pair of rooks. Playing down this line appeared to lead to a Rook v Bishop ending with minimal winning chances. I played a waiting move, which kept pieces on the board. This has worked out pleasantly for me. The pieces on the board are asserting their power. 

I’ve learnt that if I am the exchange up, hastening to an ending may not be the smartest of plans. In future, too, I might even be less likely to jump at a chance to win the exchange. I’ve just viewed an Alpha-Zero v Stockfish 8 game in which Alpha-Zero passes on an offer of winning an exchange. It had deeper, winning plans.

DP Morgan


Nadolig Llawen

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas to all!

Romanian Invites

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, December 19, 2021

We have received two invitations from our friends in the Romanian Chess Federation.

Any Welsh flagged player interested in taking part, please get in touch.


The Romanian Correspondence Chess Central Commission is proud to announce the organizing of an international tournament in the memory of ICCF GM Gheorghe Rotariu. 
The memorial will take place on the ICCF server, and will consist of 2 groups of 13-15 international players as follows: 
Group A: intended category 8-9, minimum rating 2426 
Group B: intended category 5-7, minimum rating 2351 
Each group will include a maximum of 6-7 Romanian players. All players will be selected based on the ICCF rating list 2022/1. 
The prize fund for sections A and B is 600 Euro and will be covered by Romania Chess Federation. The breakdown for each group is: 

First place: 150 Euro 
Second place: 100 Euro 
Third place: 50 Euro 

All participants will receive a participation diploma. 
Play will be in accordance with the current ICCF Rules. 
Time control: 50 days / 10 moves 
Leave of 45 days per calendar year 
Registration deadline: January 31, 2022 
Start date: February 22, 2022 
Participation is free of charge 
Registration is via your National Federation 
We are also planning to put together 1-2 groups for Romanian players only. 
TD: ICCF IA Valer Eugen Demian (CAN) 
TO: ICCF SIM Miron Sferle 



AI in Chess Engines

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