Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

ICCF Congress Report - Day 2

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Another interesting day with Services, Qualifications, Ratings, Marketing, Tournament, Rules reports discussed.



2018-041 A Problem with MFNs Player Registration via Direct Entry

Rejected 13-20-with 24 abstentions. An interesting discussion but the prevailing view was that current methods suffice.

2018-015 Approve Services Committee Budget for 2019

Passed 37-2-with 18 abstentions. The general move will be towards player-related features in 2019.

2018-024 Updated ICCF Privacy Notice to Meet GDPR Requirements

Passed 40-0-with 17 abstentions. Legal Update

2018-020 Medals for CCE and CCM titles

Passed 29-7-with 21 abstentions. As in says on the tin

2018-047 Improve Functions for Tournament Organizers (Server)

Passed 40-0-with 17 abstentions. This will allow TO's to check the Norm Category before launching the event

2018-045 Regulate the Start of Open Tournaments

Passed 23-16 with 18 abstentions. Make World Cup and Vets World Cup run in alt. years. Some concerns versed on the financial impact

2018-001 ETL Procedures in Team Events

Passed 39-1 with 17 abstentions. 

2018-002 Restriction on who may be Team Captain

Passed 39-2 with 16 abstentions. This is a rule tidy up so that a Team Captain cannot oversee two teams who will be playing each other.

2018-003 Recording Leave for a Player by the TD

Passed 37-2 with 18 abstentions. 

2018-008A Refinements to 3-Person Panel Review Procedures - Part A

Passed 38-1 with 18 abstentions

2018-008B Refinements to 3-Person Panel Review Procedures - Part B

Passed 32-4 with 19 abstentions

2018-010 Setting a Limit to ETL Frequency by a Player

Passed 33-7 with 17 abstentions This will mean that a player who has more than 9 ETL in 90 rolling days will not be able to enter any new events until 90 days are elapsed

2018-021 Option to Choose all ICCF Rules for National Events

Passed 34-5 with 18 abstentions

2018-022 Replace the ICCF Ladies Olympiad and Ladies World Championship Tournaments with a Ladies World Cup

Rejected 12-24 with 21 abstentions. This was a very contentious discussion which in the end maintains the status Quo. This will probably lead to more developments in Ladies (and probably Veterans events) at the next Congress

2018-023 Standardizing Viewing Rules

Rejected 13-25 with 18 abstentions. Rejected as it was felt this would negatively effect stronger players.

2018-026 Allow Team Mates to see all ongoing games in a team

Passed 38-3 with 16 abstentions. This is what the server currently does!




ICCF Congress Report - Day 1

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The day started with the Opening Ceremony. A fantastic singing display was provided by Côr Meibion Maelgwn (Maelgwn Male Voice Choir).

Following this, the Medal's Presentation ceremony took place, including the Welsh medals for victory in the 7th North Atlantic Team Tournament.  I have a number of medals and certificates for players who I will contact later this week to arrange the handover.

I also have a large number of photos from this will be uploaded at a later date.

We then moved onto the main business of Congress. 

Disclaimer: Any comments below are made as an individual, not as a WCCF or ICCF official.......

During the afternoon the previous years minutes, Finance Director and Auditors report were robustly discussed, leading to the votes below.


2018-018 Approve 2017 Congress Minutes

Passed 25-4 with 27 abstentions. 

Quite a divided discussed over a few specific points, lasting for an extended period.

2018-019 New ICCF Member Federation

Passed 40-0 with 16 abstentions

Mexico accepted as a new member federation.

Financial Report

Passed 13-2 with 42 abstentions.

Another long discussion about the ongoing planned deficit and the specific methods utilised to generate the accounts (which led to a large number of abstentions as the debate became quite technical!)

2018-029 Rescind ICCF Proposal 2016-011 -- GDP Based Fee Structure for Developing Nations

Rejected 17-22 with 18 abstentions

A long debate on how membership can be promoted in developing nations, with very different opinions on how this should be done, which is shown in the voting.

2018-030 Update Article 33 of the ICCF Statutes [2/3 Vote]

Passed with 37-1 with 19 abstentions

A technical proposal clearing up an issue where the Auditor could audit materials he/she prepared!

2018-027 Global Tenders for ICCF Webserver

6-30-21 Defeated

A long discussion on this event led to a strong consensus that this approach was not correct for ICCF






ICCF Congress Report - Day 0!

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The week started with the Executive Board Meeting (with Wales having two members in Austin Lockwood as Services Director and Russell Sherwood as Marketing Director). The continued with the Management Committee Meeting in the afternoon and the Welcome party (All held in the Imperial Hotel, LLandudno)

CCM Norm Paul Hatchett

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, August 18, 2018

Congratulations to Paul Hatchett on picking up his 1st CCM Norm  in WCCF 5th Invitational  


CCE for Phillip Dean

Russell Sherwood  Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Congratulations to Phillip Dean in picking up a 2nd CCE Norm in Germany CCM/CCE 01 A  and securing the Title in the process!

Paul is the 14th Welsh player to pick up the CCE Title


Getting one of your five a day!

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, August 11, 2018

New Article

Do my Table-bases look to big in this?

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, August 11, 2018

New Article

Postal Glory

Russell Sherwood  Thursday, August 9, 2018

Congratulations to Eric Nettles in winning the BCCA 2017 Postal Gold Medal Tournament

which combined with Russell Sherwood's win in the BCCA 2017 WS Gold Medal Tournament  completes a clean sweep in the Gold Medal Events

British Ladies Correspondence Chess Championship 2018

Russell Sherwood  Thursday, August 9, 2018


Entries are now open for eligible players for the British Ladies Correspondence Chess Championship 2017-2018, starting in October 2018.

We are lucky enough to continue to have a sponsor for this year’s event so entry will be free.

Please note only players not under a suspension are able to enter the event.

Entries and any enquiries should be made to Russell Sherwood at [email protected]. Closing date for entries is 10th September 2018.


Pob lwc

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, August 5, 2018

Good Luck to :

Gareth Yeo:

Max Zavanelli Memorial Tournament Section C

Open des 80 ans de l'AJEC demi-finale 06

Paul Hatchett

Max Zavanelli Memorial Tournament Section D

WCCF are proud to participate in these memorials as Max organised a number of senor events in Wales.

Quote of the Day

After a bad opening, there is hope for the middle game. After a bad middle game, there is hope for the endgame. But once you are in the endgame, the moment of truth has arrived.

Edmar Mednis


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