Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

Player Interview

Russell Sherwood  Friday, June 22, 2018

SIM Joop Jansen

Counties & Districts

Russell Sherwood  Thursday, June 21, 2018

It's that time of year again!

Despite the current season not having finished, we are opening up the Clearinghouse again!

For the next season, we will be supporting team captains in the raising of teams for West Wales, East Wales and potentially North Wales. In addition, a Lancashire team exists with strong Welsh roots.

If you are interested in taking part next season please get in touch at [email protected], indicating your team of interest.

Counties and Districts is a commitment to two games and the lower divisions are ideal for beginners!

As an example, the current Top division may be seen at https://www.iccf.com/event?id=71174



Turning the Table(base)s

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, June 17, 2018

New Article

Wales now has more active correspondence players per chess player than any other country in the world

Austin Lockwood  Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The figures below are taken from the number of active players on the ICCF database per active player on the FIDE database from the same country.

The credit for this phenomenal success can be attributed to our close working relationship with the Welsh Chess Union and the efforts of Ian Jones, Peter Bevan, Paul Scott, Mark Adams and others in promoting CC around the chess clubs and leagues.

It's also good to see England and Scotland in the top ten, proving that British correspondence chess is alive, well, and thriving!

Wales 21.17%
Cape Verde 14.02%
Japan 13.51%
England 11.65%
Panama 11.56%
Scotland 10.25%
Finland 8.62%
Australia 5.46%
Netherlands 4.36%
Belarus 4.29%
New Zealand 3.77%
Indonesia 3.75%
Germany 3.65%
Cuba 3.57%
Slovakia 3.42%
Canada 3.41%
Switzerland 3.19%
Sweden 3.14%
Latvia 2.66%
Hong Kong 2.53%
Austria 2.52%
Luxembourg 2.42%
Iceland 2.15%
Italy 2.08%
Estonia 2.06%
Romania 1.91%
Slovenia 1.89%
U.S.A. 1.89%
Lithuania 1.83%
Guatemala 1.82%
Czech Republic 1.81%
Argentina 1.66%
Portugal 1.62%
Ukraine 1.54%
Norway 1.43%
Ireland 1.33%
Peru 1.29%
Nicaragua 1.25%
Poland 1.19%
South Africa 1.18%
Denmark 1.13%
Russia 1.07%
Belgium 0.95%
Brazil 0.88%
Venezuela 0.85%
Israel 0.84%
Spain 0.78%
Croatia 0.66%
Hungary 0.57%
Chile 0.45%
France 0.45%
Ecuador 0.24%
Turkey 0.23%
Greece 0.20%
India 0.12%

No Comments

and that' s 300!

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, June 10, 2018

Confirming as the premier website for news on Correspondence Chess in Wales and beyond we have now posted our 300th  article!

Book Review

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, June 10, 2018

Chess Structures - A Grandmaster Guide

3rd Interzonal Individual Tournament

Welsh Friendly Matches Update

Russell Sherwood  Wednesday, June 6, 2018


Do you have what it takes to be a Welsh Irregular?

Russell Sherwood  Monday, June 4, 2018

The Welsh Irregulars are looking for new places to take part in the British Webserver Team Tournament. This opportunity is particularly relevant to new of sub 2100 rated players.

If you are interested, get in touch via the contact us on the webpage

and now for something completely different.....

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, June 2, 2018

If you are looking for a change of pace why not try the Winton British Chess Solving Championship 2018-2019. 


Details are in the attached file - remember to mention the WCCF website if you do decide to enter!




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