Russell Sherwood Sunday, March 10, 2024
The Joint British Committee is pleased to announce the 2024 Counties and Districts Correspondence Chess Championship.
As in the past the event will be made up of 3 Divisions of teams of 8 players, using the Hutton pairing system. As each player only undertakes 2 games, this is an ideal event for both new and experienced players.
The closing date for entries is the 7th of April, with an expected start date of the 21st of April, leading to an end date of 22/02/2025 with any remaining games going to Adjudication. The entry fee is £15 per team and entries should be sent to the Tournament Organiser, Russell Sherwood, who will confirm payment options.
Players in established teams should contact their team captains. New players wishing to take part should contact Phil Beckett (ENG) , Dave Kilgour (SCO) or Russell Sherwood(WLS) for encouragement and advice on possible teams. As a reminder, place of birth, education or residence are all valid qualification reasons for team membership.
The rules may be found here