Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation

Rydym yn Ffrindiau - Amici Sumus

Check the ICCF Website!

Russell Sherwood  Wednesday, June 19, 2024

ICCF is currently having issues with its mailing system.

Several events have been advertised recently which may be of interest to Welsh players.

In addition a mailing was sent to qualified Welsh players with regard to the North Atlantic Team Tournament, a response would be appreciated from those who have already not done so.

Keep an eye our for announcements regarding the British Championships and States and Regions Team tournaments coming soon.


CDCCC 2024

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, June 2, 2024

After some less-than-fun issues to deal with , this event should be underway in the next few days, followed by the start of the process for others


Congress Proposals 2024

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, June 2, 2024

As we move towards the ICCF Congress 2024, we are calling for any proposals members wish to submit for the review of the WCCF

Any suggestions should be sent to Russell Sherwood


ICCF CongressProposals

Friendly Match vs the Netherlands

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, April 14, 2024

We have a friendly match planned v the Netherlands, starting late July.

They can match most ratings closely, so we want to field a large team.

If you are interested in taking part, please get in in touch. It may be able to play two boards (4 games total) - if you would like to do this let me know.

Players are reminded that friendly participation is considered in selection criteria for other events. We are particularly interested in players above 2350 taking part.

Russell Sherwood


Captain for 2nd Rudolf Kolesnikov Memorial Team Tournament Team

Russell Sherwood  Sunday, April 14, 2024

We are looking for a non-playing Captain for the 2nd Rudolf Kolesnikov Memorial Team Tournament Team.

The ideal candidate should be rated 2350+, a premium member  and able to work well with a team.

If you are interested, get in touch 



11th European Team Championship - Final

Austin Lockwood  Thursday, April 4, 2024

This tournament is now completed!

We have known for some time that the Gold in this prestigious event has been won by Wales, and the medals will be presented to the team at our Congress in Llandudno later this year; however we can now confirm the Silver (Austria) and Bronze (Slovenia) medal places.

Following the final result yesterday, we can also now confirm that John Claridge has won Board Three outright for Wales.

Well played John!

2023/24 Medal and Certificate Awards

Austin Lockwood  Saturday, March 30, 2024

Players from Wales, England, or further afield, earning an ICCF title (GM, SIM, IM, CCM, CCE or a tournament award) between 1st April 2023 and 31st March 2024 are cordially invited by the Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation to receive their awards personally from the ICCF President at the ICCF awards ceremony, which traditionally takes place on the first day of the annual ICCF Congress.

The 2024 Awards Ceremony will take place at the Imperial Hotel, Llandudno, on the morning of Monday 12th August.  WCCF can arrange overnight accommodation at the Imperial Hotel (please see the online registration form); alternatively, there are several guest houses and B&Bs within easy walking distance.

Players staying overnight in Llandudno, and their partners, are also cordially invited by WCCF to the Welcome Party, buffet meal, and complimentary drinks, also at the Imperial Hotel on the previous evening (depending on numbers, there may be a small charge for players who are not WCCF members - this will be advertised in advance).

Players wishing to attend the Welcome Party and/or the Awards Ceremony MUST register their attendance online before 12th July 2024; any player arriving without having registered will not be awarded with a medal and will not be permitted to enter the Welcome Party.

The full ICCF Congress programme is available here.

The Seventh and Final British Webserver Team Tournament has now Completed

Austin Lockwood  Saturday, March 30, 2024

Congratulations to "SchemingMind A" for winning the first division, and to "BCCA Strategists" for winning the second division.

(One game still remains in the second division, but it is not decisive.)

Unfortunately correspondence chess clubs in the United Kingdom have declined dramatically in recent years, culminating in the tragic collapse last year of one of the oldest CC clubs in the world, the British Correspondence Chess Association (BCCA).  A tournament for "clubs" or "member organisations" no longer reflects the reality of the way that British CC is organised in 2024, so this will be the final edition of the BWSTT.

WCCF will continue to offer alternative innovative events for Welsh, British, and International players in the future.

An Invitation to Over the Board Chess Players from North Wales and Chester

Austin Lockwood  Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation will be hosting our third international ICCF Congress in Llandudno from 11-15th August 2024.

As part of our programme, we will be running two over the board chess events, a blitz tournament, and a chess match against international correspondence chess players from ICCF.

All over the board players from North Wales and Chester are heartily invited to participate in either or both of these events; entry to both is free.  Please see the attached flier for further details.


Welsh Champs and Qualifiers

Russell Sherwood  Saturday, March 23, 2024

The current versions of the event have been deleted, and new events will be launched tomorrow.


Quote of the Day

Unlike other games in which lucre is the end and aim, [chess] recommends itself to the wise by the fact that its mimic battles are fought for no prize but honour. It is eminently and emphatically the philosopher’s game.

Paul Morphy


Welsh Chess Union

Welsh Correspondence Chess FederationClergy Correspondence Chess ClubSchemingMind Internet Correspondence Chess ClubSocial Correspondence Chess AssociationNational Correspondence Chess ClubWelsh Chess UnionInternational Correspondence Chess Association